
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Recognizing the Advantages of Geothermal HVAC System

By. Taury Widiantara

Do you want to invest in a geothermal HVAC system? The first of all that you should know and understand is what benefits that you will get from it. Because it is not cheap, may it be one of the biggest investments that you will ever take besides the purchase of the home if you want to using this system.

The right characteristics of your home make the money that you will spend of course be worth it. This will be a great option when you thought to build a new home, to be solution when your current cooling and heating needs replacement and meet your desire for the most efficient energy for cooling and heating solutions that are environmentally friendly also.

The geothermal HVAC system is more efficient three and up to six times than the electrical heating system, that because of its ability to extract up to six times the heat energy than used in electrical systems.
The traditional electric heating systems uses far more electricity compared to the Geothermal HVAC system. Amount of money that you will save from uses this system about three quarters by amount an electrical heating system that you will have used and about a quarter to half the amount of money you would have spent for cooling purposes on running a traditional air conditioner.

Reliability is another advantage of using the geothermal HVAC system. And highly reliable since it has few moving parts. And even if failures occur, it will need minimal maintenance to be done on it but it will rarely occur. It needs regular maintenance on force air system which includes fan and filters and will there are mineral and sediment in the water of water loop in open system are needing a little maintenance.
This system does not have parts outside is like central air conditioning systems usually, that is why there will be no wear and tear on an outdoor condenser. Dirt will not be a worried as plants or leaves getting onto the condenser which has risk of vandalism. 

The risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or even gas fires  are usually associated with hot water and natural gas heating, but by using the geothermal HVAC system these risk will be eliminated. You will get flexibility and convenience by this system because it will supplying hot water as well as space heating and cooling into your home.

In some cases, you will not incur additional costs when hot water comes. If you need to heating a pool, this system can also extended easily. It does not either create noise outside or inside your home. Your home will be free from pollution or contribute to global warming since this system using geothermal energy which is a renewable source of heating, air conditioning and cooling. 

Even though this system can be quite expensive to set up, payback is usually within to 2 to 10 years depends on vary in different areas for instalation costs as well as energy costs over time.

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Friday, May 09, 2014

Process of Rain

By. Taury Widiantara 

Did you know the rain process?

Surface of waters such as rivers, lakes, and seas that exist throughout the territory of the earth will undergo evaporation heat emitted by the sun. Steam produced from the evaporating process will continue to rise up and converge with the air. The higher temperatures result in the condensation of water vapor, and will produce water droplets are growing in number and will form a cloud. Because water droplets continue to multiply, so the cloud continues to be a gray and dark-colored. Then the temperature cools and increasing volume of water droplets before, will make the water droplets fall to the earth that we call rain.

Such a simple process of rain. May be useful.
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